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Proposed Constitutional Amendments

Proposed Constitutional Amendments to Appear on Statewide Ballots November 7, 2000 General Election

"Shall the following Amendments be adopted to the Constitution of Alabama?"


Click the Act number to review the complete text of the bill that proposes the amendment.
Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 1

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to establish the County and Municipal Government Capital Improvement Trust Fund and the Alabama Capital Improvement Trust Fund to be administered in accordance with the provisions of this amendment; to redistribute a portion of the Oil and Gas Capital Payments now being paid into the Alabama Trust Fund under Amendment No. 450 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 to the funds created by this Amendment; and to authorize the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $350 million for the purpose of: (i) making substantial capital improvements to the state dock facilities at the Port of Mobile, (ii) promoting economic development and industrial recruitment in this State, (iii) providing the local government match monies required to issue federal grant revenue bonds for road and bridge improvements and (iv) providing funds to municipal governments for infrastructure improvements; and to appropriate monies in the Alabama Capital Improvement Trust Fund for the payment of debt service on General Obligation Bonds authorized by this amendment. (Proposed by Act No.2000-491)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 2

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to abolish the prohibition of interracial marriages. (Proposed by Act No. 1999-321)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 3

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to provide that counties and incorporated municipalities in Alabama receive a minimum of 10 percent of the trust income from the Alabama Trust Fund when the trust income in the preceding fiscal year exceeds sixty million dollars ($60,000,000); and to provide that the funds distributed to the counties and incorporated municipalities shall be expended as provided by general law. (Proposed Act No. 1999-393)



Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 4

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to repeal the provision that no district ad valorem tax shall be voted upon or collected except in those counties that are levying and collecting a special countywide ad valorem tax. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-242)



Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 5

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to provide that the Board of Trustees of Auburn University shall be composed of one member from each of the congressional districts in the state as constituted on January 1, 1961, one member from Lee County, the current State Superintendent of Education who upon leaving office shall be replaced by an at-large member, two other at-large members, and the Governor; to specify the method of appointment and service duration; and to provide for limited seven-year terms of office. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-590)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 6

Relating to Chilton County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to phase out the supernumerary system for certain election public officials and allow them to participate in the Employees' Retirement System. (Proposed by Act No. 1999-319)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 7

Relating to Clay County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to phase out the supernumerary system for certain public officials and allow elected or appointed county officials, as defined, to participate in the Employees' Retirement System. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-273)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 8

Relating to Fayette County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to require the county commission to levy an additional ad valorem tax for fire protection and rescue squads in Fayette County. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-402)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 9

Relating to Greene County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to authorize the Legislature to fix, alter, and regulate court costs in the county. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-61)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 10

Relating to Lowndes County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to phase out the supernumerary system for certain elected public officials and allow them to participate in the Employees' Retirement System. (Proposed by Act No. 1999-369).

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 11

Relating to The Town of White Hall located in Lowndes County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, authorizing the operation of bingo games by nonprofit organizations for charitable, educational, and other lawful purposes. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-401)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 12

Relating to Marion County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to phase out the supernumerary system for certain elected public officials and allow them to participate in the Employees' Retirement System. (Proposed by Act No. 1999-302)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 13

Relating to Sumter County, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to phase out the supernumerary system for certain elected public officials and allow them to participate in the Employees' Retirement System. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-62)

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number 14

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to Winston County, to authorize the Winston County Commission to levy a three-mill ad valorem tax for maintenance of public roads and for volunteer fire protection. (Proposed by Act No. 2000-405)

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